Puja Daan is one of the rituals performed by Hindus in which they offer
gratitude to the departed soul of their ancestors with complete faith and pure
soul. It is done within the time frame of 13 days from the death of a person.
By performing this puja, a son or child givesrespect to his/her departed
parents. Usually, this ceremony is quite attached withthe funeral observances.
In the time of PitraPaksha, Shradh Puja Daan plays a significant role in every
individual’s life and his/her Pitra or Ancestorsalso get benefit from Shradh Puja
ceremony if it isperformed as per the Hindu tradition.
Hinduism, ShradhPitrapaksha Puja Daanprovides the mental satisfactionto the
nearest and dearest one, who is now no more in this world. There are so many
religious books and sacred scriptures available in which people can find out
the different kinds of representations of Shradh. Now, it depends upon them
that how much they are capable to offer or donate the valuable items such as
milk, fruits, clothes, money etc to the Brahmins and needy people during
Shradh. The purpose of this kind of Puja Daan is to remove the burden in
various aspects of life as well as to give peace to the departed one’s soul in
order to get their blessings.
this particular time slot, persons need to book the Brahmins in advance for the
specific day of Puja Daan and according to theircapability they can offer some
food and clothes to the Yajman/Brahmin in the compliance with dead person’s
tastes and preferences. Generally, this ritual exists in the month of
September-October every year and the best place to execute such type of Puja is
any nearest river and temple. Apart from this, during the period of
ShradhPitrapaksha Puja Daan, individuals should avoid to cut their hair and
nails. Also, they should avoid shaving as per the rules set by the Hindu
tradition. Moreover, keeping fast for ancestorsis the best way to impress the
departedsoul of them.
should take care of this ritual on a very serious note as they can face a lot
of troubles in life, if they do not perform this puja in a proper manner. As
per the customs and traditions, every person of the family should participate
in this ceremony to attain growth and success in his/her life. In addition to
this, these types of practices are very important for the salvation of the soul
of individual’s ancestors under the foot of Lord Vishnu.
per the Hindu mythology, Shradh Pitr paksha
Puja Daan is one of the ideal methods to get rid of various problems in life
including regular losses in business, regular sickness of a person etc. Along
with this, by taking care of this ritual, people can protect themselves from
the bad effects of Pitra Dosh, which arises when a person do not perform any
task for his/her ancestors on their dead anniversary.
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