Capricorn daily horoscope will help
you in plan your day ahead in much better way. It will guide you for what to do
and what not to do in a day. Also informs you about your planetary changes of
the day and their impact on your life.
Capricorn is a feminine sign,
revealing the mark of your true character and is ruled by powerful Saturn, the
planet of structure and responsibility.
Capricorn people are loyal associates and make faithful friends, although
they are quite possessive and can be rather jealous.
Initiative and willingness to accept responsibilities are keys
to your success, but a false pride makes it hard for you to admit when you are
wrong, or to ask others for help. Though you compete aggressively for what you
want, you harbour an inner lack of confidence which can make you defensive.
Viewing insecurity and fear as weakness, you attempt to hide such feelings,
making it hard for others to get close to you.
Your sense of humour is generally impeccable, although you
fail to see the point of personal jokes at your expense. You hold grudges and
will take revenge for perceived slights. The ancient emblem of Capricorn was
the sea-goat, half goat and half fish. This symbolised the death of the lower
mind and the birth of the spiritual.
The Sun in astrology stands for your
inner nature, revealing the mark of your true character. The tenth sign of the
zodiac, Capricorn is ruled by powerful Saturn, the planet of structure and
responsibility, but it is the exaltation of Mars, the planet of action and
desire! A cardinal (creative and original) sign, Capricorn governs public life
and organisation, combined with personal ambition and will to succeed. It is an
earth sign, so Capricorn people are loyal associates and make faithful friends,
although they are quite possessive and can be rather jealous.
colours are chocolate brown, royal and navy blue, dark green, charcoal grey and
red. Capricorn rules metallic lead, while the red garnet is your birthstone,
which protects against accidents and falls. Capricorn
Daily horoscope
will guide you your daily lucky color and daily lucky numbers.
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