Rudraksha |
Rudraksha are the seeds or fruits of a plant whose botanical name is Elaeocarpus Ganitrus Roxb which is of Tiliaceae, family this is a large, evergreen tree found in tropical and sub-tropical areas at the altitudes ranging from seacoast to 2,000 meters above the sea level. The tree grows throughout the year and is about 50-200 feet high when fully grown.
Rudraksha flowersappear in April-Mayand are white with fringed petals. The tree bears fruits in the month of June which become ripe by August-October. The fruits areare globular in shape with a fleshy exterior. The Rudrakshabead present inside is hard and.
The faces of Rudraksha are counted by the straight lines on the beads surface. For example, if there are five vertical lines then it is called five faced Rudraksha.
The Origin of Rudraksha …
As perHinduscriptures like Shiva Purana, SkandPurana etc. Lord Shiva is believed to be the creator of Rudraksha. The word ‘ Rudraksha’consists of two words ‘ Rudra and ‘Aksha’ . Rudra means lord Rudra or Shiva and the word Aksha means eyes or Ashru (tears). There is a story in Skanda Mahapurana which says that Rudrakshawas created from the tears falling from the eyes of lord Shiva himself.
Identifying the purity of Rudraksha …
It is very difficult to identify the originality of Rudraksha. These days everything is commercialized and Rudraksha is not an exception people cut the lines of Rudraksha and join these two Rudrakshas in order to look it like one. This is called one faced Rudraksha and the one faced rudraksha is very expensive. One faced Rudraksha, Gauri Shankar and Tridevrudraksha are prepared & sold in market to make money.
Some experts suggest thatRudraksha should be dropped in water, if the rudraksha is genuine it will sink in the water but this method is not foolproof as lead is filled in artificial Rudraksha to make it heavy. So the best alternative is to purchase Rudraksha from reputed sources.
Effects of Rudraksha …
Generally Rudrakshascomes in many faces; this article describes the Rudrakshas up to nine faces.
One Faced …
This Rudraksha is considered Supreme Lord. One’s all evil effects are destroyed after wearing this Rudraksha. One faced Rudraksha, which is found in Nepal is the most rare one. One which is found in Indonesia is very small. In the present time, the prevalent one faced Rudraksha is like half Moon or Cashew Nut like shape which is devoid of hole. One can wear this Rudraksha only after covering its both sides with Silver sheet which has lock on its both the sides. The wearer of this Rudraksha must recite this mantra at the time of first wearing:
Two Faced …
Two faced Rudraksha is known as incarnation of Lord Shiva & Shakti. One attains mental peace after wearing this and one’s consciousness is awakened. Relations among family members become cordial. One gets success in job / profession. The wearer of this Rudraksha must recite this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Three Faced …
This is considered as the form of three Gunas- SATTVA, RAJAS AND TAMAS, possessing the three Gunas threefold. This is assumed as powerful combination of desires, knowledge and activities. It has threefold qualities of Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh. One, who wears this, gets his or her mental horizon widened. This enables the person to get knowledge of past, present & future. It has the potential to destroy one’s wicked mental tendencies. One must chant this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Four Faced …
It is known as four face Brahmaji and four Vedas. It blesses with Dharma, Arth, Kama and moksha. One is cured of all mental diseases. One must chant this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Five Faced …
It is assumed as five faced lord Shiva. It is said to be the incarnation of the mantra- ‘OM NAMAH SHIVAYE’. One’s poverty is destroyed by wearing this Rudraksha. It increases life span and bestows health. One must recite this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Six Faced …
This is assumed as incarnation of six faced Kartikeya. One who wears it becomes more conscious as it helps one to awaken consciousness. Memory power becomes strong and intelligence sharpens. One who relates to education field must wear six faced Rudraksha. One must chant this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Seven Faced …
This Rudraksha wards off the negative influences caused by Saturn. This bestows one wealth, name, fame and victory. One has continuous flow of income and one’s profession enhances. The wearer of this Rudraksha must recite this mantra at the time of wearing it:
Eight Faced …
It is assumed as the granter of Sidhi(Spiritual powers) and victory. Eight faced Rudraksha is known as the incarnation of Vinayaka Dev. One who wears it gets food, wealth & gold. One gets victory in court cases. One must recite this mantra at the time of wearing:
Nine Faced …
This Rudraksha is considered as the form of Nav Shakti (nine forms of MaaDurga ) . In Shastras it is assumed as Narvan mantra (OM AAING HRIM KLIM CHAMUNDAYE VICHCHAI). It saves one from unexpected accident. One must recite this mantra at the time when one wears it.
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Digging deep can expose some treasure. ‘www.Truthstar.com’ is dedicated to revealing the Truth. This time an expert digs down into good thoughts and views these in the revealing light of Astrology and Spiritual Science.
Here is the first thought by the famous Oscar Wilde:“Everyone is born a king, and most people die in exile.”
What a truth the beautiful thought reveals, we are all born as kings. Everyone is born with different set of Karmic limitations and preconceived conditions for learning lessons etc. but due to an element of ‘Free Will’ given by God to human beings, we all carry potential to rise to any height physically, materially, mentally as well as spiritually.
As an instrument of ever existing and powerful over-self we are born as kings. In astrology the Sun signifies the King, authority or the core personality. The Sun is present in everyone’s birth chart, so each one of us has latent potential to rise to a King’s level. Due to the illusionary force which Hindus call as ‘Maya’ most people fail to realise their latent potential to overcome all obstacles and die in exile.
Just get your horoscope analysed to see what stops you from attaining the ‘King’ status. It could be that the Sun is afflicted in your birth chart and needs uplift and propitiation.
Let’s look at a beautiful Thought by Mahatma Gandhi: "Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as you were to live forever."
Again a visionary and great leader of Indian freedom struggle Mahatma Gandhi gave a valuable formula for getting best out of life. The first part of this thought says, “Live as you were to die tomorrow……” We all know that each one of us has a finite life span yet we live as if we will be here forever. People waste lot of time in doing things which carry no meaning after we cease to exist because the coin of the next world where we will go after death is completely different than the coin of this material world. Most of us spend major part of life in physical or material development and leave no time for the spiritual development for which we came here. God does not send us here to horde heaps of wealth and useless possessions rather for our spiritual development.
The second part of this thought says, “Learn as you were to live forever.” We all tend to educate ourselves with intellectual knowledge and information. This is essential for our physical life here but will not go with us after death. The only knowledge which will be our asset in the afterlife and future incarnations is the ‘True Knowledge’ which is the knowledge which makes us aware of the purpose of life and our true identity. So in addition to intellectual knowledge learn and practice spiritual knowledge. And this can be done only if we realize the continuity of life even after physical death. So sooner we realize that we are to live forever the better.
Now from astrological point of view the revelation of the spiritual truth is through the planets Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Moon in good strength and free from negative influences will give clarity of thought, thought control through mind control.
Mercury which governs our intellect or ‘Budhi’ in its pure form can give the right direction to our mind and keep a check on its activities.
Then comes Jupiter, its state in your horoscope will decide how quickly you realize the importance of righteous living. Today crime is on its peak and a good number of our prestigious people are behind the bars because the planet Jupiter in their horoscopes is under affliction by planets like Rahu (The North node of the Moon)
Our next Thought is from Seneca: "What does it matter to know what is right when one doesn't know what righteousness is?"
We have mentioned about righteous living but what is Righteous Living? Righteous living is living with the slogan, “Do as you would be done by”. Do towards others what we expect them to do towards us. This is a golden rule to live righteously. So if like most people today you think that living luxuriously, selfishly and earn through wrong means is right for modern day high status life then you are mistaken. You waste your precious life for a few things which will not go with you and contribute nothing towards your evolution. So knowledge of what is ‘Right’ and what is ‘Wrong’ comes only through introspection and regular meditation.
Moon in your horoscope under siege of Rahu, Saturn or Mars can keep life after life entangled in material web, which is like the web of a spider from which an insect once caught cannot escape easily.
So why not buy our product: Personalized Birth Chart Weaknesses Report with Remedies and let our experts guide you so that you put this life to the best use.
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